Workshops by Dan Gogh!
Are you looking for quality instruction for your students? Our workshops not only provide great instruction but are also entertaining. Dan loves to share his knowledge and has the heart of a teacher. These workshops are ideal for 3rd through 5th grade and teens and are only available from September through May. Here are the best workshops we offer:

“Dan is an awesome presenter, everyone leaves his programs feeling happy and successful. Library patrons (and staff) are always excited to see his classes and workshops on the programming calendar. In addition to being easy to work with, reasonably priced, and super professional, Dan updates his offerings regularly to include relevant and varied topics.”
Colleen M. Cochran, Programming Coordinator Youth Services, Glenview Public Library
“Dan Laib was an absolute pleasure to have as a program presenter! He worked wonderfully with the teens. He was sure to interact with each teen individually as they came in and remembered all of their names. His communication was very open and inviting, which had even the shyest in the group talking with him. Dan is wonderful at teaching and goes step by step through the process. He is willing to re-explain things or even give an example of something that was not gone over. He was very well prepared and had wonderful handouts to go with the program. I, and the teens, are looking forward to him coming back for his next program!”
Tegan Anclade, Lake Villa District Library